In memory of Ross Humphreyes-Reid - our "Ruby"


The Best Bunnings Santa Ever! And his Elf!

When I had aggressive breast cancer in 2013, Ross put his work on hold in Brisbane to care for me at home here on the Sunny Coast.

Ross took a job at our local Bunnings where he made an impact in many ways - more than I can mention - and I was grateful that he was close by.

Wishlist Centre has made it possible for so many carers to be close by to family members when they are undergoing treatment at Sunshine Coast University Hospital. That is why I am supporting Wishlist and "Ruby's Room" this Christmas. Please donate along with me if you can - any amount large or small makes such a difference and is so appreciated. 

At Christmas time, at Bunnings, Ross was more than happy to take on "other duties as required" - and he loved every minute in his new role. I saw him put smiles on people's faces - kids and adults alike.

Ross was definitely the best Bunnings Santa ever!

My Updates

Happy birthday, Ross!

Monday 8th Jul
Today, Ross would have celebrated his 65th earthly birthday. MND took him away before he turned 63,

We cherish the years we had with Ross yet our hope is that others do not face the same heartbreak he did - and that we did by losing him to this insidious disease.

I have established this fundraiser in Ross's honour with Wishlist - the Sunny Coast University Hospital foundation - as it benefits not only those who are suffering ill health yet their families and carers as well.

My wish every year on Ross's birthday is that there will come a day when a diagnosis of MND doesn't mean there is no hope or no cure.

A new life!

Tuesday 26th Mar

A new life!

Tuesday 26th Mar
One wish in life that Ross didn’t get was to meet his Grandson. So, I’m giving double hugs and kisses every time I hold this little guy in my arms. When I see parents and parents-to-be, and their families and carers able to stay at Wishlist my heart bursts with pride to be a Wishlist volunteer and donor. And I know in my heart that Ross is resting easy while keeping a watchful eye over his Grandson and me!

In loving memory of Ross aka Reidy, Ruby, Roscoe

Thursday 27th Apr
On 13 May 2022, following four horrid years fighting Motor Neurone Disease (MND), my husband of 41 years passed away. My life, and that of our families and our friends, would never be the same without him. Ross left an impression (mostly positive!) on all who knew him.

Ross was only 58 years old when he was diagnosed with MND in June 2018. The day before, I had received my five-year clearance since breast cancer had visited me and ravaged my body. Within 24 hours, we were left with the knowledge that we would never again talk of the retirement we were so looking forward to.

That is the reality of MND. No treatment, no cure.

And so we set about doing what we could to make the most of our  time together. Ross also wanted to raise awareness about MND and help others who were living with this insidious disease. He did so until MND made it impossible for him to continue.

So, with your help, I would like to continue Ross's legacy of helping others. I want to help those with MND, as well as others who are ill and suffering. And I want to help their amazing carers - their family members and their friends - who do what they can whenever they can without expectations of thanks or rest.

Not long after Ross passed away, I joined the Wishlist "Family" as a volunteer guest services officer at their new and amazing Wishlist Centre right next door to the Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH for short!). The centre offers affordable (and beautiful!) accommodation for SCUH patients and their carers.

Wishlist Centre supports young and old - those facing arduous cancer treatment, parents of children needing urgent surgery, a place to rest when a loved one is in intensive care or the cardiac unit.

As a spouse and a carer, I experienced - and was truly humbled by - the support and kindness that Ross and I received from his SCUH MND team. Now, as a Wishlist volunteer, I see the very real difference that the Wishlist Centre makes to people's lives.

It is my goal to raise $25,000 to sponsor a room at the Wishlist Centre in honour of Ross. I kicked downfield towards the goalposts on Wishlist's 2023 Giving Day by pledging $2,500 - an amount that was matched by amazing Wishlist sponsors.

Ross was a "giver" all his life. He gave to those he knew and those he didn't know. He didn't discriminate!

Every visitor to our home - even before Ross's illness - rarely left without a gift (he was also a hoarder!). The gift might have been a torch (he had so many), a garden tool or a building tool (because he had at least three of everything), a pot plant (that he thought I wouldn't notice was missing), a fancy kitchen utensil (that I didn't know how to use), or a fishing rod that he would never cast again.

Please think about those gifts from Ross. He never expected anything in return. However, with your help now, we can give thanks for Ross and build on his legacy.

With your help, I know we can do this! 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Robyn Humphreyes-reid (giving Day)



Merry Christmas, Ross, and thank you for so many amazing Chrissy lunches and dinners and wild NYE parties from 1979-2021.



In memory of a good friend.



We wish you all the best, knowing that you will succeed. Kind regards



What a great cause to remember Ross.


Rose Cracknell


Narelle Long


David Byers

In memory of Reidy.


David Byers

In memory of Reidy


Jana Atrens



Rob - such a positive and inspirational response.


Andre & Janneke Drenth

We are happy to support this worthy cause in memory of Ross his legendary generosity.


Bill And Fay Ramm

For Ross, our favourite son-in-law from his favourite parents-in-law. Bill and Fay




Ange & Corey

You're a wonder Rob❤️


David Hedley-ward

Please accept this donation on behalf of Helen & Paul Cheetham.


Paul And Helen

Ross Thanks for sharing your wit, intelligence, laughter and friendship with us, even as you faced great challenges. It was our privilege to know you. Borrowing from one of your favourite songs, we leave it to Van Morrison to see you safely onwards: "Hark now, hear the sailors cry Smell the sea and feel the sky Let your soul and spirit fly Into the mystic ..."


Robert And Ida

What a lovely way to honour Ross.


Geoff And Carole Kamholtz

Ross - unequivocally admired for his kindness, generosity of spirit and authenticity: a masterful raconteur. Rest easy, Ross, and move gently with the ebb and flow of the ocean. Carole and Geoff




Groth Gregory


Dave Peddie

Ross was a great mate to many people.


Jo Johnson

Ross’ s Legacy is the impression he left on everyone who met him. He would be so proud of you Rob.


Sharnie Morton


Tony And Eric


Alison Morris



Fairbanks Family

Happy birthday Ross ❤️‍🩹


Ianus Consulting Pty Ltd



Greg And Shiralee Dowling

Sending all our love ❤️


Alison Morris


Colaso Family

Love the name Robbie - very fitting acknowledgment to Ross. He is still making an impact through Ruby’s Room - it’s wonderful! Lots of love


Samantha Tyler

Such a beautiful tribute Robyn, Harry and Ainsley. Happy to support such a wonderful cause. Sending you all lots of love and strength.


Brisbane, Australia (bne)

It is a wonderful thing that out of something so tragic can come something so positive and purposeful. Good on you Rob x


Thomas Williams


Peter & Diana Knowlton


Lynette London


Nadine Fitzgerald


Steve Lawler

Better known as "Spook" in our circle of friends


Glenys Rosario




Good luck with the fundraising Robyn, and happy birthday for yesterday. Loretto


Loretto Shearer

Good luck with the fundraising Robyn, Great cause and a lovely way to remember Ross. Best wishes to you and yours.



Great cause, good luck with the fund-raising. Loretto


Anne&rob Young


Karen And Brandon Hall


Hilary & Bruce Mackie

Good cause, happy to support.


Veivers Family


Bianchi Family


Yamba Boys Grant,yen Tony

yamba boys grant,y,yoda,tony


Emily Roberts

Honoured to be part of Ross' legacy and 'Ruby's Room'. Sending love to you Rob, Aynsley and Harry always xx


Vincent Scott


William J Knowlton


Keith And Robyn Prokop

really loved this man, A great cause.


Christine Bailey


Pauline Sullivan


Nicole Horner


Suzanne Parker


Mark Sutton



In memory of our Gap High school mate


Cj And Ks Powell Electrical Contractors

In loving memory of Ross 🩵


Sharon Reid

a great brother-in-law


Kimmy D

Lots of love always xx




Beth Sayer

He y Darlin....Your words for Ross are beautiful....such a lovely tribute to have a room in Ross's name. We know from experience how much it means to be able to stay close to someone you love in hospital.....with much love and in memory of Ross 🩵 both were so courageous xxx


Morgs Van Panhuis

Sending all our love to you Rob, Ross was one of a kind with a big heart, such a worthy cause 💛



With love ♥️


David Dalzell

Well done Robyn setting up this Wishlist fundraser. Ruby was a kind, generous and likeable person. He will be remembered forever by all of us.


Fiona Karageorge


Nikolais Nicolaidis


Donna Konstantinou


Julia Jw

Well done Robyn! Such a great thing to do for a wonderful cause xx


Helen Cheetham

Slowly but surely we’ll reach the target xo


Anne Viswalingam


Innovative Planning Solutions


Robyn Roberts

Thinking of you and your family.


Janet Angus


Gary Wilson


Leanne Reid

Remembering Ross - the one, the only!


Annemiek Lucassen-boots

Love to you, xxx Annemiek


Kerri Rodgers


Sally Hoger


Julia Hughes

Sorry for your loss. Such a great cause.


Sally Wolens




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