Wishlist funds wellbeing program for health heroes

05 Feb 2024

Wishlist and Sunshine Coast Health have teamed up with Moving Mindz to launch an award-winning mental health and wellbeing program for local health heroes. 

Over 9600 Sunshine Coast Health staff from Caloundra to Gympie will have access to a team-based, program via an award-winning mobile app that sets daily nutrition, mindfulness, gratitude, sleep, movement, laughter and social connection ‘nudges’.

Renamed ‘Connect, Move and Motivate’ by local Sunshine Coast Health wellbeing ambassadors, this program was made possible by a $125,000 grant from Wishlist.

Healthcare organisations like Sunshine Coast Health are built to provide person-centred care, but in providing that care, employees can overlook or deny their own needs, especially when it comes to their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

With 4.2 million Australians aged 16-85 having experienced a mental health disorder in the previous 12 months, organisations continue to face the challenge of measuring the mental health of their workforce. 

Wishlist funds wellbeing program

Sunshine Coast Health Executive Director Workforce Silven Simmons said the Wishlist-funded program was selected in conjunction with extensive research and in consultation with health staff including wellbeing ambassadors, as well as experts in this field.

“We know that mental health has a direct impact on the quality of care delivered to patients, the way we interact with colleagues and those moments away from work,” Mr Simmons said.

“The Moving Mindz eight-week program gives our staff a chance to rally their colleagues, set some personal and team goals, and take time out of their busy day to have some fun – which we believe are key to achieving personal and organisational success.

“What sets this mental health program apart, is we are able to measure and evaluate the mental health of our workforce, but also the effectiveness of the program – through highly credentialled research professors from Deakin University, RMIT University and more.”

Wishlist CEO Lisa Rowe said the health charity has committed $125,000 to support three important initiatives within the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service wellbeing program.

“We are excited for the launch of the Moving Mindz program and hope many of our 9,600 local health staff take up the opportunity to connect, move and thrive,” Ms Rowe said.

“The mental health and wellbeing of our nurses, doctors, allied health and operational staff within our public hospitals is paramount and we are proud to be able to invest significant funds to help improve wellness for our hard-working staff.

“This program will be delivered via an app which we hope will create greater accessibility to ensure those who look after us are also being looked after.”

In the last three years, businesses that have adopted the Moving Mindz program have won Best Mental Health Program at the National Safety Champion Awards.  

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