Small steps of significant importance

14 Dec 2023

Kim Powers was uncertain if he'd ever leave the hospital, let alone walk out of it.

After an eight-month battle for his life in the ICU and learning to walk again, the 70-year-old grandfather from Buderim is heading home for Christmas.

Kim's life took a turn in April last year when he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome, a condition where the immune system attacks the nerves.

This left him unable to walk, talk, eat, or move.

“Basically, from there I was laying on my back, wondering what was going on with my body,” Kim says.

"Wishlist have done a lot for rehab. They have supplied two power wheelchairs (and) it has been really helpful mentally and physically.

“You can get around and do things, which keeps you calm and collected and you don’t have to rely on other people which is really fantastic."

“I can’t say anything more than if it wasn’t for Wishlist, it would be a hard road."

Kim is rallying the community to give to Wishlist in the hopes of funding one more power wheelchair to allow greater independence to long-stay patients.

Wishlist CEO Lisa Rowe shared that Kim spent 611 days in the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, initially fighting for his life in the ICU and later regaining mobility in rehab.

Thanks to the hard work of the team at Sunshine Coast University Hospital and Kim's sheer determination, he is now back home in time for Christmas.

“Kim has played a vital in Wishlist securing funding for two power wheelchairs for fellow Rehab patients simply by sharing his story. That’s over $36,000 worth of equipment,” Ms Rowe says.

“We thank Kim for sharing his health journey with us and hope his story inspires others to give generously so we can fund the final power wheelchair for others facing a health plight.

“We wish Kim the very best on his next chapter of recovery at home with his family.”

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