A year of giggles and gags for clown doctors

22 Mar 2018

Clown Doctors have spent a year spreading laughter and administering doses of fun to thousands of patients at Nambour Hospital and the Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH).

The local service is funded by Wishlist and brings a little bit of magic to patients being treated in the Children’s Ward, Paediatric Outpatients Department and Department of Emergency.

“Recently we celebrated a year of ‘Clown Rounds’ on the Sunshine Coast,” Wishlist CEO Lisa Rowe said.

“This very special service is an innovative and inspiring local program funded by Wishlist through The Humour Foundation.

“We all know a little humour can go a long way, and seeing a child’s face light up when they see the Clown Doctors is a priceless moment. You can never underestimate the power of a good laugh.”

With the help of the generous Sunshine Coast community, Wishlist committed to funding two years of the service to bring laughter, smiles and bouts of silliness to children spending time in the Children’s Ward.

However, donations are now needed to continue the program well into 2019.

“If you can help us brighten the days of youngsters twice a week in the SCUH Children and Adolescent Ward, you can become a ‘Wishlist Champion’ which means making a tax-deductible donation to Wishlist for as little as $5 each week.

“It’s an easy, but very special way to make a difference to thousands of children on the Coast.”

Wishlist is eager to continue the programme beyond the current two year commitment and grow the service to more than two days a week.
“As you can imagine, Clown Doctors Dr Loopy and Dr Nincompoop are very popular within the wards of SCUH.

“We are proud to say that over the last year these hilarious doctors have delivered over 10,000 magic moments to sick kids and their families.”

The Clown Doctors work to divert children’s attention during painful procedures, calm them in emergency and encourage them in physiotherapy.

“The benefits of laughter are real – it relaxes the muscles, helps the immune system, reduces pain, helps promote a positive outlook and has a good effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory system,” Ms Rowe added.

If you would like to donate to Wishlist to keep the Clown Doctor program on the Sunshine Coast – visit www.wishlist.org.au and click the ‘Donate’ tab.

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